Terrorism and organized crime:
legalanswers in the democraticsecular state
Modena, April 20-21 2018
Complesso San Geminiano, via San Geminiano 3
Friday, April 20
9.30: Opening Speeches
10.15: First Sesson – The historical and philosophical background
12.00: Second session – Organized crime and rule of law: open issues in the democraticsecular State (part one)
16.00: Second session – Organized crime and rule of law: open issues in the democraticsecular State (part two)
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Francesco Margiotta Broglio, His Excellency Ambassador Sir Gabriele Checchia, Prof. Dr. AdemSözüer, Prof. Dr. LuigiFoffani, Prof. Dr. Michele Pifferi, Ress. Assist. EsraÇetinkaya, Dott. Serena Vantin, Assist.Prof. Serdar Talas, Assist. Prof. MuhammedDemirel, Prof. Dr. Donato Castronuovo, Ress.Assist. RahimeErbaş, Ress. Assist. SertaçIşıka, Prof. Dr. Giovanna Laura De Fazio.
Saturday, April 21
9.30: Third Session – The democraticsecular State: Open Issues
11.30: Fourth Session: International Law Perspectives (part one)
15.30: Fourth Session: International Law Perspectives (part two)
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Pacillo, Assist. Prof. Gülay Arslan Öncü, Dott. Matteo Corsalini,Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kaya, Prof. Dr. CüneytYüksel, Ress. Assist. ErenSözüer, Prof. Dr. RossellaBottoni, Prof. Dr. Myriam Lucia Di Marco, Dott. Francesco Rossi, His Excellency Ambassador Sir Gabriele Checchia.
Agli studenti partecipanti al Seminario che frequentino almeno l’80% delle ore di didattica seminariale e redigano, come prova finale, una relazione in lingua inglese saranno riconosciuti 2 CFU (LMG) o 3 CFU (SGIPA) per altre attività formative. Per informazioni o iscrizioni: vincenzo.pacillo@unimore.it